Sunday, June 17, 2012

What can I say?

Yes, feeling sentimental, maybe it is just having come through a rather grueling week, but it occurred to me that like a boomerang returning to the thrower, love is never really thrown away. Sometimes it may seem that way but I believe that at the final reckoning, the more love you have spread around, the more you will receive. (Yes I KNOW boomerangs are for killing things, but let me have a little poetic licence here!) So, another rather simple stamp.
At this very moment I am full of soup, bread and contentment having just returned from a Labor party fundraiser in a member's backyard. Nice food, nice folk, sunshine and my family about me. Aaaah!


  1. Ooohhh! Origa-me,
    I love this etegami and the post!!
    Cheers, Sadami

  2. Hallo Carole:) Lovely said and I agree. I'm alway saying: what you give you will get back! Oh and I know those feelings of sentiment:) Nothing wrong with it, they'll past away. Have a fine sunday!

  3. Very nice! The idea of the boomerang hit me instantly and I agree 100%! What goes around, comes around! And boomerangs aren't really only for killing...

    Please include simpler subscription tools on your blog! something like subscribe by email. The "subscribe to: Post/ Comments (Atom)" thing is so complicated!

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    1. Tiberius, thank you for your comment, I think if you go down below the box where you type the comments there is a " subscribe by email" , just click on that.

  4. Happy to read of your contentment and fullheartedness here, dear Carole!
