Thursday, June 9, 2011

Garden cuttings etegami.

Gardening at this time of the year seems to consist almost entirely of hacking and cutting things. I love pruning or "Fredding" as we call it at our house, commemorating an event when a friend called Fred got carried away with the secateurs and laid waste to his garden. A pruning saw or secateurs are dangerous in the hands of a man, so must be very closely supervised by a cooler head.
In preparation and to psyche myself up for the task  ahead I thought I would make this etegami.


  1. Two years ago a friend volunteered to prune our hydrangea bush for me and I kept saying "cut it closer to the ground, closer to the ground." He looked a little distressed but finally cut it low enough to satisfy me. The next year he came over and said "Did your hydrangeas bloom this year?" And I had to admit that they hadn't. He said "I thought so." I'm still waiting to see if they will bloom this year. ;p

  2. Yep, the' unkindest cut' obviously. According to the 'hydrangea police' you should cut to the first pair of fat buds and leave unpruned any that have not flowered in that year so you should have heaps of flowers if you haven't touched it since it's 'Fredding'.

  3. Hi Carole
    I love your etagami. Simple but confident lines and flat colour. Very effective - love the colours too. BTW, just wondering about the stamp - the hiragana "ki"?

    I love red stamps...

    Happy weekend, Ev

  4. Thanks Evelyn, yes, the stamp was made for me by Shungo, an internet pal from Japan, I think that he thought that was the closest to the 'hard' c. I guess it is really the decorative aspect and the friendship that I value, even though it should be 'ka' perhaps.

  5. Hi Carole, thanks for explaining and letting me know that you've posted the answer. What a nice gift.

    My Japanese language teacher translated my name to Japanese for me. If your computer can read Japanese characters, it's エベリン, which sounds like "Eberin".

    Happy Weekend, Ev
