Saturday, August 11, 2012

Succulent etegami.

All etegami are delicious but by succulent etegami, I mean an etegami of a succulent plant.
The Prof and I were delighted to have lunch yesterday with a couple of old colleagues of his who he has not seen for almost a decade. Both of the men are engaged in plant breeding and their current project involves a particular variety of succulent hence this etegami which I have made to send to them. Plant breeding is an art and a science rolled into one and to follow the discipline you must be very disciplined indeed. From the first idea to a finished product, be it a new wheat variety or a horticulture specimen can take many years and many failed attempts. The rewards can be great but the disappointments many. so I hope our friends succeed in their latest project and manage to create some hysteria for their gasteria!


  1. I'm reading an Australia-based novel at the moment, which goes into some detail about Australian flora, and am surprised to find myself quite fascinated.

  2. A succulent morsel ... don't let the water dragon nibble it!
