Thursday, April 26, 2012

Another feather and I'd fly!

I had a great day in the garden yesterday, finally felt strong enough to tackle a few jobs that needed doing and the weather cooperated. A whole day of potting  up plants, hacking back others and generally having a fun time, all the while observed by our resident magpie family eager to catch any worms or grubs I turn up (makes a change from the food they usually steal from the dog).
This set me pondering to where all the feathers go that the birds moult ? There are a lot of birds wearing heaps of feathers but you rarely see one on the ground. Perhaps they float up into the air, up to heaven like the feather in the opening scene of the movie Forrest Gump? It's a mystery!
So, out with the sharp instruments again to carve a feather, and this is the result!

I am a little bit in love with black and white at the moment but shall try some colour later.


  1. Hello Carole:) Simple but very nice! Now your garden is ready for summer, the sun can show his face:)

  2. Hi Renate, thanks, my garden is ready for winter because I am in Australia but our winters are very mild and many plants continue to grow.

  3. that's a lovely illustration!

    I see quite a lot of feathers around the place, but not as many as must be lost by the birds in the area! A lot of birds use feathers in their nests, so that's where a lot of them will go....

  4. Simple but gorgeous! Black and white ... I think our brains are wired to grasp it instantly. I know what you mean about the feathers. I do find a lot, but not as many as you'd think, and they don't decompose quickly. Is there a feather mountain somewhere? There's a book in that...

  5. And you are just the person to illustrate it!
