However, I did rework some drawings I had done of the dear departed Finney (remember Finney?)and her friends and I am rather pleased with the result. A bit too fussy for a 'real etegami' but hey, I enjoyed doing it.
The quote is from a poem by Thomas Gray, better known for his Elegy On (in?) a Country Churchyard.
Given that this poem is about a cat who drowns while trying to catch goldfish (sorry Debbie, I know you are a cat lover) and taking into account his entire oeuvre I think poor old Thomas could have done with a dose of Prozac. Life was pretty grim in those times so I suppose looking on the dark side was normal.
PS it is 'glisters' not 'glitters',
The quote is from a poem by Thomas Gray, better known for his Elegy On (in?) a Country Churchyard.
Given that this poem is about a cat who drowns while trying to catch goldfish (sorry Debbie, I know you are a cat lover) and taking into account his entire oeuvre I think poor old Thomas could have done with a dose of Prozac. Life was pretty grim in those times so I suppose looking on the dark side was normal.
PS it is 'glisters' not 'glitters',