Sunday, April 10, 2011

Lazy Sunday

My garden is having a late spurt of growth and today it was 27 degrees C, I just had to get out and take some photos,something to look at when I move to the aged care facility! Can you see the chicken topiary in the second urn? The plant in front is a Tree Dahlia which should be flowering in a couple of weeks, the gorgeous mauve single flowers last only a day but repeat down the stem.
 The first urn in my front garden has a beautiful blue grey succulent which is as tough as old boots, it is surrounded by gardenia, a tricky one to grow in our magnesium deficient soils.
I am really loving the Japanese box topiary in the front garden, The inspiration came from a temple garden in Kyoto where they were grown in a large plot in lines.
The Japanese Anemones are the best this year and can be a bit weedy, they suffer in dry times but bounce back very quickly with a bit of water. Why do I have so many Japanese plants?
At the moment we are having a storm, almost like Summer and the smell is so typical of a summer storm,   dust mingled with nostalgia.
Tomorrow we are promised Autumn!

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