Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Sketches from the Front.....

Day seven of my being held hostage to my "lace curtain" lungs sees me exploring the hospital and it's environs dragging an IV pole and trying to keep my sanity.
Having exhausted my supply of paper to make origami puffy stars and puffy hearts ( well it was Valentine's day last week) I have graduated to stalking members of the public in search of  subjects to draw.....if only they would keep still. I have hit upon the cunning idea of sitting by the pick up area and sketching those people waiting for their rides home. Mostly women, I was disappointed to miss the Firefighters who regularly respond to false alarms at the hospital, they are terribly macho and satisfyingly chunky in all of their gear, however, they moved a little too fast for even a sketchy sketch! I did however get their truck!
Apologies for the grey graininess of the paper My trusty IPad can do only so much.


  1. I admire how you handle these trying times. I tend to curtain off my hospital bed and escape into solitary reading, but mingling with others and creating stuff is superior in every way.

    1. Reading is a great way to pass the time, I retreat into my audible books streamed directly to my Bluetooth hearing aids!

  2. Great blog. Please keep the 'rubbish' going. Will return for more ;)

    1. Thank you, maybe you can "step into the light"?
