Just a catch up on some of the stuff I have been working on over the past three months.
First to get some of the paintings out of the way:
The daily painting is on hold at the moment, busy making cute things for the shop!
Such as these origami shadow boxy, doirama-y thingys.
and these little birdhouse decorations in readiness for Christmas .
Phew! I have been busy with the usual; sock monkeys, echidnas and various little gee gaws I think up to keep the shop looking interesting. Ironic for someone whose work history has been spotty to say the least to be working like a fool at this great age! Nevertheless when it ceases to be fun I have the luxury of being able to quit!.
First to get some of the paintings out of the way:
The daily painting is on hold at the moment, busy making cute things for the shop!
Such as these origami shadow boxy, doirama-y thingys.
and these little birdhouse decorations in readiness for Christmas .
Phew! I have been busy with the usual; sock monkeys, echidnas and various little gee gaws I think up to keep the shop looking interesting. Ironic for someone whose work history has been spotty to say the least to be working like a fool at this great age! Nevertheless when it ceases to be fun I have the luxury of being able to quit!.