Sunday, August 16, 2015

Lawdy Miss Claudy, it's August already....

Just a catch up on some of the stuff I have been working on over the past three months.
First to get some of the paintings out of the way:

The daily painting is on hold at the moment, busy making cute things for the shop!
Such as these origami shadow boxy, doirama-y thingys.
and these little birdhouse decorations in readiness for Christmas .
Phew! I have been busy with the usual; sock monkeys, echidnas and various little gee gaws I think up to keep the shop looking interesting. Ironic for someone whose work history has been spotty to say the least to be working like a fool at this great age! Nevertheless when it ceases to be fun I have the luxury of being able to quit!.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Back to basics.

 I have long felt that tingle in the cerebellum signalling a need to get back into painting but this is a desire fraught with danger. One wrong stroke of the brush could leave me a whimpering mess. Drawing, doodling, a little half hearted watercolouring, all good, but when it comes to putting acrylic to to canvas?...there lies that nasty little bug in your brain called the EGO!
The logical answer to the problem was to start at the beginning and go on from there. So, this week marked the beginning of a daily painting exercise on very small, teeny tiny canvases (20 by 20 cm that's about eight inches for the non decimals amongst you). What to paint? well I am currently working through the contents of my refrigerator, hey fruits and vegetables are good for you right? Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday went sort of OK and today was my life drawing day but tomorrow I have a big decision, capsicum or lemons!
Sunday's one.

Today as mentioned was life drawing. The model was a particularly athletic young man with wonderful muscle definition, great to draw.
The craft cooperative operating out of our little shop is doing well, we are all bullish and everyone likes our new name "Fancy That", a name which clearly shows that even we are astonished at our audacious venture.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Oh, OK....

Although normally being an average suburban slug I have been speeding around this week propelled by steroids and a desire to get back into the jungle that is life outside of John Hunter Hospital.
Yes that's right, I have been held hostage to my lungs yet again. These visits to the hospital to administer Drano to those pesky organs are like the chorus in a Greek tragedy, repetitive, grisly and ultimately everyone dies!
I escaped though after two weeks and ploughed into it. Wednesday I was discharged in the morning, went to do my shift at the shop, Thursday catching up on stuff, Friday entertained second son and his friend to afternoon tea, Saturday, shop again, Sunday Barbeque with son and friend, Monday to Sydney with them and a hectic visit until Wednesday morning, home in the afternoon and back to the shop and today Life Drawing!
Result; I am pooped!
The hotel in Sydney was amazing, Addams Family revisited. The decor was fun and spooky, retro and funky. Not cheap but worth it being right in the heart of Sydney.

The Lobby, Qt Hotel Sydney.

Heigh ho!

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Ups and downs....

A big up this week was getting some little dishes made by a potter friend Ali Sobel-Read Ali made the dishes as a favour using an imprint of my little handmade echidna stamp. she tried four different glazes, all are fine but my favourite is the black one, probably because I am used to seeing the stamp impression in black.
Life drawing was very good this week , our model was a lass who had never modelled before but she did an excellent job and she was very lovely as well. Usually I struggle to draw "perfect" bodies but this model was so classically "put together" that I really enjoyed drawing her.

The "down" this week is that the days of the craft shop co-op may be numbered. Difficulty with manning the shop and attracting suitable makers whose work will not clash with other shopkeepers in the building is proving very disappointing. It has been fun while it lasted, the only bright side is that if I am not so involved in making and manning I will finally have time to get famous! I do feel however, that I'm cutting it a bit close, being in my 70th year.
At the very least my forearms and fingers will thank me for it because such has been the demand for the stuff I make, there being fewer people involved, that I have been in danger of repetitive strain injury!  Always look on the bright side!
We shall see...maybe I will have time for that portrait painting group, hmmmnnn.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

A long humid Summer..

means a lot of "lounge lizard" (in)activity.
Work for the shop goes on and in between there is life drawing, Urban sketching and finally some etegami.
A little bit cryptic but says a lot of what I feel. Valentine's Day is this weekend  so a heart image seemed appropriate. It sounds a bit dramatic to say that one is misunderstood but there are some who willfully look for a reason to paint you in an unfavourable light...just sayin'.
Anyway, Happy Valentine's Day peeps, I'll be getting my usual nothing (the Prof is not romantic) but it is the other 364 days that matter, not to mention the 51 years of being a wonderful mate.
So, Happy Valentine's Day my love.