Friday, November 8, 2013

Don't be a galah!

Maybe this expression is becoming obsolete but I heard it many times in my youth. It was usually said with an ironic slightly affectionate ring, much like the expression "you silly goose".
Why the galah has been libelled in this way is quite obvious when you see them in the flesh. They have a slightly goofy air and are given to screeching and panicking at the least disturbance. All this despite their gorgeous rosy pink and grey colouration.
Galahs do make good companion animals and can be affectionate but it is a shame to take them away from their natural habitat where they flock in large numbers, wheeling and screeching all the while.

I have a feeling my bird stamp carving phase may have run its course....we shall see.

Yesterday was a wonderful day. I met one of my Facebook friends Carolyn from Melbourne in person and we shared a chatty lunch, afternoon tea and gallery visit together. I felt very connected to Carolyn online and happily that connection is now a personal one.
A funny thing happened when I returned home though, my 12 year old twin granddaughters gave me a stern lecture about people you meet online and how to protect yourself from predators. The education programs at school are working!
All in all a good week.


  1. Your visit with Carolyn sounds like it was not only wonderful fellowship, but also yummy and culturally educational as well. Time very well spend indeed.

  2. I'm still trying to think what I might be grooming you for?
    You and the Prof are delightful company.

    1. I could definitely do with a bit of grooming, that last haircut was a disaster!

  3. I am glad to hear that kids are still learning some useful things. Sometimes I wonder! Your parrot is beautiful. I agree it is a much better thing to leave them in the wild than trap them in a house.

  4. From one who used to be known as Gaysy Galah ... I love those rosy noisy birds. A lovely stamp! Yes, watch out for us online serial pests and predators. Almost as bad as the parrot family!

    1. I'm keen for us to meet, anyone called Gaysy Galah has got to be good value!
