Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Hope and recycling..

Regular readers of this blog will perhaps have noticed the little bottles containing origami cranes which I amused myself making during my last incarceration.
At the time it struck me it would be a good idea to exhibit them in the hospital where I have special status as a "Frequent Flyer".
The combination of the origami crane which is a symbol of hope, long life and healing and the little bottles which had contained the intravenous antibiotics I was having at the time, seemed irresistible.
Discussions with the lady who organizes such things were fruitful and the result was a little exhibition in one of the internal window galleries that line the main corridor of the hospital.
All of this activity, far from healing me means I have been visiting Doctors to address the problems caused by folding, drawing, knitting, carving, swiping the iPad, etc...Carpel tunnel, trapped nerves and bursitis! Ahhh, old age! Rest they say!!! I simply do not know what to do with myself if I don't do any of the above. Daytime TV would atrophy what I have left of a brain, Oh well there are always audio books I suppose or maybe I will join the Cafe Society and watch the world go by.
BTW the tags on the little bottles say HOPE, TIME, HEAL, LOVE, LIFE. The smaller bottles are less than an inch high.


  1. Hi, Origame, congrats!!! Beautiful and so eye-pleasant. Your love is pouring from bottles. Best wishes, Sadami

    1. Thanks Sadami, hope your hand is treating you well.

  2. So you've been recycling things too ... I love it. People in the hospital will really get a kick out of that exhibition! Carpal tunnel ... what next ... I have a new low-impact hobby for you which I plan to post about. It's cloud collecting. Here is the website: http://cloudappreciationsociety.org/

    1. Gay I have allegedly had my head in the clouds for decades! Love the site.
