Sunday, March 3, 2013

Ten days alone.

Yes, the Prof has been away for ten days, dealing with some issues overseas and I have been guilty of one (?) of the seven deadly sins, (sloth for the curious!).
It is so easy to slip into a routine of waking late, going to bed late, eating to please oneself that it will be difficult to go back to the well  established routines. A family health crisis has kept me from feeling very creative so any efforts have been rather of the 'handle turning' kind I am afraid. Things are sorted now, so, heigh ho, it's back to work we go.
The garden is burgeoning but in that "early autumn, we've had a lot of rain, miss Haversham kind of neglected look". That reminds, me I should clear the dining room table, a couple of friends are expecting to be able to eat there tonight.
Apart from knitting rabbits, egg cozies and various animalia, I have been captivated by my latest project, stuffed lotus pods. No, you don't eat them precious, they are stuffed with fabric and fiberfill to make rather neat pincushions. Saw the idea on a friend's FB page and finally got to do something with the pods I have been hoarding from the last few summers. My very first and rather pretentious blog entry was about beauty, illustrated with a photo of my lotus in bloom.
A couple of etegami, the first again about the garden, we imported a load of soil and also it seems myriad kinds of fungi which I am enjoying at the moment after our heavy rain. The second, a card to contribute to a call for a "Cat Band" being assembled by a Japanese lady, a friend of a friend. Of course every band needs a singer so that was my contribution.


  1. WOW I love those inventive and colorful lotus pods!

  2. Holy cow!! Is there nothing you can't make? I was crying with laughter at Eartha Kitty, then I saw the lotus pods. They made my mouth water (I know, I did read the bit about not eating them, but ...)
