Saturday, August 14, 2010


I know, I know, boring to talk about the weather but it has been such a fabulous day, 18C and sun, sun, sun.
Ate breakfast on the verandah today and this was on my table
These orchids often have the tattiest looking foliage and then from bare sticks, kapow!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Things that amused me today.

Maybe I am easily amused but this amused me.
Recently I have been following this blog and decided that I would try out the elegant art of Etegami. This lead to a trip to the art supply store in search of a bamboo pen.
The thing that amused me was the barcode on this ancient instrument, 100% bamboo , which has managed for centuries without a barcode.! Almost you could say an anachronism. Anyway, looking forward to trying it out and being frustrated at not being able to do as well as the inimitable Debbie. (Still looking for the washi paper postcards though.
Just to be going on with here is an image of my latest drawing,?collage? for my greeting cards. Hope you approve.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

It's a pink day!

The sun is shining after a couple of very gloomy months and the garden is showing it's true colours. To celebrate this happy day I searched out some of my beautiful pink succulents which have coloured up beautifully in the cold. Okay, so some of them are a little more on the mauve side but they feel pink!
The top one is very much larger and more vigorous than the others and is I think my favourite.
Another reason to celebrate: I have sold some of my cards and a monkey today, all in a good cause.
With Spring approaching I will have to get serious about having a market stall somewhere to sell off all of the things I have been making this winter.