Sunday, March 14, 2010

Real Monkey business!

Late last year I had a wonderful surprise, my son treated me to a trip to Langkawi Island off Malaysia with a weekend stay at the gorgeous Dattai Resort. Heavenly!
I had been visiting his family in Singapore where he lives and this was icing on the cake. So, here are some real monkeys who live around the resort, I think they are Capuchins.
The resort has it's own resident naturalist who takes you on walks in the jungle to point out the wildlife and flora. A high point was seeing a pair of Greater Hornbills, huge and loud!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

monkey business.

A whole week has gone by since I posted, shame, shame.
So, here's a little guy to cheer you up. He represents the many monkeys I have made and sold this last year for charity. He's also a celebrity of sorts as his photo appeared in the catalogue of the company that sells the socks.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Another enforced hiatus (it's enough to give you a hernia!).
Have been amusing myself taking pictures of the Barbie doll outfits I have made for my granddaughter. I never played with dolls when I was a kid, a bit of a tomboy, but it is fun to fiddle with these little creations. best of all they only take scraps of fabric..
I just bought a CD off Ebay of about 400 patterns for Barbie sized dolls, cost me less than $A10. I am looking forward to trying some of these out of copyright retro designs. The seller is " Pearls and Things", they have jewellery as well and I found them very good with shipping etc.